Sunday, October 10, 2010

NYCC Day Three: Posters and Pwnage and TIRED

Day three at ComicCon was an interesting switch from day two. We lost one member of our merry band, because Shaun didn't really think of anything that he wanted to do in particular. So, in a rather exhausted fashion, we got back to the Convention bright and early in the morning.

Today, we were in a much more relaxed mood. With only two of us, we were much less inclined towards doing a delve designed for six people. We also had much less on the list of things to do. Pretty much the entire day was spent meandering around some booths, playing some casual Magic (I didn't have the money for another draft, and none were starting when we had enough free time), and visiting down in Anime Festival's Artist's Alley – where I found this gem:

How awesome is that poster? It's hanging in my room right now, and I think it's my newest favorite thing hanging up in here.

Starcraft 2 for the day was incredible, despite the disappointing finals. HuK vs Drewbie was pretty good, albeit played on a small screen due to the Counterstrike 1.6 finals going on on the main screen. The final was QXC vs Fenix (whom, I learned later, is an ex-Brood War player of significant note.) By the end of the four game series, it was a pretty one-sided ending. Fenix stomped QXC without much resistance, as the Terran known for his drops was out-macro'd, out dropped, and outplayed entirely. Fenix was constantly in the right places at all the right times and just never really let QXC build up to any kind of significant force. A good showcase of TvT tactics that should be on anyone's watch list (After QXC vs HuK Game 3 from yesterday. Seriously, go watch it! Now!)

Overall, I think that NYCC was certainly worth the time and money, though, I wish I had focused a little more on NYAF, and a little less on the actual comic-books segment. Looking forward to the next Con I go to – likely headed up to Anime Boston, or PAX East, or CTCon, depending on what comes first, and if we hear back from this guy that's hiring us as Official Wizards of the Coast DMs for conventions in the northeast.  

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