There, I said it. I’ve played in quite a few tournaments
since the release of Avacyn Restored, and one thing has started to become more
and more clear over the last few days. Bonfire of the Damned is – and is going
to - warp the format.
When Miracles first came out, many Magic writers took
their fingers to keyboard and decided to write a bit about the issues with
Miracle. What were they trying to do? What does the mechanic accomplish? Is the
mechanic any good in reality?
Well, we have our answer. With the price of Bonfires
reaching $35 at most online vendors and rising steadily, it looks like we’re
going to be living in a world where Bonfire is the shadow looming large over
the whole format. Whenever a player has Red in their deck, I cringe every time
that their hand touches their deck for the draw. The primer for the Hallelujah
deck that won the Pro Tour said it best – you need to play up your draws, make
the opponent tilt every single time you touch your deck.
When I’ve got six 2/2 tokens in play, there are no safe
top decks anymore if you have a mountain.
![]() |
The word 'Boom' comes to mind. |
I wasn’t sure how good it was myself. I kept playing BW Tokens,
and I was shocked when my matchup against GR, which had previously been fairly
close (if they didn’t blow me out with a Sword) was all of a sudden turned around
by a crippling Bonfire at any stage of the game. I feel like you’d need to be
playing 12 anthems to have a chance of ‘outrunning’ it. Naya, running
Restoration Angel and Thalia, doesn’t even feel close. They just stone-wall me
at every turn, keep me from casting anything of consequence, and crush me with
a vastly superior creature base.
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I'd be Bitterblossem if this was printed too. |
“Oh hun, check this card out.”
“I like the movement in the picture. And the quote is
pretty awesome too.”
“This card changed tournament magic. Remember that Faerie
deck that I was telling you about?”
“This card single handedly turned the tide on it. Once
this card was printed, Faeries wasn’t the bad guy of the format anymore. It was
to tailor built to kill Faeries that they just couldn’t compete.”
“That’s evolution for you.”
And then I stopped. I remembered every time I saw Bonfire
get a four for one, or a six for one. I remembered seeing a field of creatures –
twice lethal damage – during testing on Tuesday. I peeled the Bonfire, set X =
5, and killed him that turn from 20. The game wasn’t close – and then he lost
Let's be honest though. Cards warp formats all the time. Snapcaster has turned Unsummon from an unplayable card into a format staple. Jace caused Hero of Bladehold to be an actively terrible creature. The Eldrazi have made mill nonviable in EDH without bending over backwards to do it. That doesn't
mean that we should call for bans, or complain. That means that it's
time to innovate and figure out a solution to the problem. We have two
choices here - we can either join the Bonfire crew (as I have at the
moment with Naya) or fight against it (as I'm trying to do.)
When that can happen, and you need to account for a one
sided wrath of god for 3-4 mana, it’s going to change a format pretty significantly.
You need to be on one of two sides in this format – for it or against it.
For Bonfire:
There’s a whole slew of decks that you can use to battle
with Bonfire. There’s Naya in all its variations, R/G Aggro, we’ve got UR Delver,
and even some zombie variants have the capability of running it. In the end,
any deck with a reasonable board presence can and should run the card.
Reasonable board presence? Yes. Because if you’re not a
deck that can capitalize on the “All your creatures are dead, but mine aren’t!”
angle, you’d be better off with Slagstorm or Pyroclasm. Bonfire works very
specifically when the effect is also a Falter for your whole team. This means
that it’s best as the primary removal spell in an otherwise aggressive deck. Simple
You should play Bonfire in any deck like this, because it’s
frankly the highest impact card available for use. It does so much for it’s
cost – even at standard cost, it’s just a slightly weaker, but more Flexible
Flame Wave. That sounds like a reasonable card to me, and Bonfire is actually
just better than that.
All hope is not lost for the rest of us though! There are
options to be had if you don’t have the money to invest in cards that are more
expensive than some fat packs.
Against Bonfire:
It seems like only yesterday that we were all trying to
figure out a deck that could defeat Delver consistently, and rid us of the
menace that was Delver, Mana Leak, Vapor Snag, and Snapcaster Mage.
Fortunately, they appear to be on the decline, but it’s still a very reasonable
deck. There are two main things that the deck does very well that allow it to
combat Bonfire – a pro-active way and a reactive way.
Pro actively, Delver is able to deal a lot of damage with
few cards. When your 1-drop is capable of being a lightning bolt every turn,
you don’t generally need to overextend into the board to find your victory.
Delver is very capable of killing you using only 2-3 cards, and using the rest
as support. This minimizes the ability of the deck to expose itself to a
On the other hand, Delver has reactive answers to Bonfire.
Restoration Angel, allows you to keep the offence going if a Bonfire does
happen – letting you sneak a creature in ‘with haste’. Alternatively, you could
use a mana leak/dissipate to remove the offending spell from contention.
Bonfire is a fairly mana intensive spell, and with positive benefit for each
added mana you use, so there’s a pretty decent chance that he’ll run it into
your leak pretty hard.
The other option is a Ramp deck. Creatures scale upwards
in toughness with mana cost – generally. You’re more likely to get a
substantial body on a 6-7 mana creature than on a 2 mana guy. It seems obvious,
but if you jump the curve with mana dorks or actual Ramp spells, then you’ll
often be able to ‘outrun’ the Bonfire’s kill range. A turn 4 titan is way too
fast for a bonfire player to deal with – by the time that he’s got 7 mana
available, and can even potentially draw a Bonfire to kill it, the game is
likely over. Elesh Norn fits into a similar area here, where her toughness
makes her mostly-bonfire-proof. You also get the benefit of playing individual
creatures that can win the game on their own.
In conclusion, the best ways to fight bonfire are the
ways we’ve traditionally fought good sweepers – be bigger than them, be faster
than them, or be able to stop them from casting it. Regardless, don’t you dare walk into a tournament right now
without a plan, or you’ll end up on the receiving end of “Miracle Bonfire, X =
4, swing for lethal?”
It happens more than you’d think. This wekeend is Magic Game Day, and there will almost certainly be Bonfires in the room. Don't go in unprepared. Know your formats, sling some spells, come out on top.
This weekend, I'll be at SCG: Washington DC on Saturday, spellslinging in the Standard Open. I don't have terribly high hopes for this tournament, but I'll be in the area, and it seems a waste to be in the city without participating. I've yet to decide what I'll actually be playing. It'll depend a lot on how I feel about the Naya mana base tomorrow, or if I'd rather just innovate BW Tokens to fight it. I'm hedging at the moment.
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