Thursday, May 3, 2012

2nd at GPT Los Angeles with BW Tokens

Hey everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve done a tournament report around here, but I have had a pretty significant tournament since then. Two weekends ago, for the last week of INN-DKA Standard before the release of Avacyn Restored, I traveled with my friend Heebs to Ron’s Comic World where they were holding a Grand Prix Trial for GP Los Angeles.

Now, disclaimer, I had no intention of actually going to Los Angeles, but the owner of the shop is a great guy that cares about growing the community and providing the best experience to the players. To that end, he was trying to get 75 people in the store, to help them qualify for running PTQs and other major events. As a prospective grinder-to-be, I’m more than happy to help them out with this. Making the tournament free sure didn’t hurt.

We hit 75 people by the skin of our teeth, and so that’s another Achievement Unlocked for Ron’s. Congratulations to the store for running a quality event – including nearly two cases in prizes. The top 4 walked out of the store with 2 booster boxes each, plus other prizes down to 16th place. If you’re ever in the middle-NJ area, seriously consider giving Ron’s a shot.

Heebs and I arrived a couple of minutes early for the tournament. I was on a pretty standard B/W tokens list. In the car on the way there, I had a brief moment of panic and texted Heebs the following.

“Hey, could you bring your Champions of the Parish?”

I’d been running without them so far, preferring to have a beefier top end, but the more I thought about the format’s evolution, the more I was convinced that playing a virtual Wild Nacatl couldn’t possibly be the wrong choice. Worst case, it provided an early blocker that would help me stall for the Lingering Souls + Multiple Anthem endgame.

I’ll go more in depth as to the specific choices as they come up in matches, but here’s the list that I played.

As for Heebs, he decided to be the only true man in the room and sleeved up a Goblins-themed RDW that had been testing very well. We’ll get back to that.

We get the word that we’ll be playing 7 rounds, followed by a Top 8. The first round begins and I sit down with more than a little bit of nerves grinding at me.

I’m going to be honest here. I had been on a tear – getting a Top 4 finish at a GPT and a SCG IQ Top 8 within a week of each other, winning the fairly cutthroat DKA Game Day, not to mention finishing in the Top 8 split at my DKA prerelease, and winning a couple of FNM events. I feel like my Magic game has never been stronger. However, since all of that a couple of months ago, I haven’t been able to post a winning record for anything. Part of that could be deck choice – I’ve been running a Naya aggro list that just didn’t have enough power to punch through to a deck with midgame presence, but it had translated over to limited as well, and I generally wasn’t happy. This tournament was going to be my first time back on Tokens in a couple months – and I admittedly hadn’t tested this version at all.

Round 1 – UB Zombies

This match starts out as well as I could possibly hope – I win the die roll and start out with the Champion > Gather draw. His single Gravecrawler matches up extremely poorly against it, and his Geralf’s Messenger meets an Oblivion Ring, clearing the board and letting me beat in for a ton of damage once I get an anthem on the board. Champion deals more than 12 damage by itself. I feel immediately vindicated by my choice to include him in the deck.

As we’re shuffling up for game two after a fairly quick scoop, Heebs walks over.

“How’s your match going?”
“Oh,” he said, looking a little confused. “It’s over. I won.”
“Goblins, right. What’d you play?
Blue/Black Zombies.”

My opponent looked worried at that. We shuffled up and he took game 2 after I mulliganed and ate a couple of bad removal spells. Game three sees him stick on two mana and he just can’t cast anything quickly enough – I win the race handily.

1-0   (2-0 in games)

Round 2 – UW Delver

Game one goes to me off his mulligan, despite the turn one delver flip on the play. He can’t quite muster any real offence once I get an intangible virtue and a few flyers online. I’m very careful to double-block so he can’t use his vapor snags to get 2 for 1’s everywhere. Eventually, I drop a Hero of Bladehold and a single unimpeded swing tilts the game in my favor.

I’m going through my sideboard and seeing nothing useful, so after a moment’s consideration, I took some advice from Patrick Sullivan – master of Legacy (and other types of) Burn. “My favorite sideboard plan with Burn is to just present my original sixty.”

I hand the deck over to him and he crooks an eye at me.
“No sideboard?”
“Not exactly a matchup that I have much against.”
“You’re probably pretty favored.”

That may be true, but my mulligan to five dooms me before the game even starts. He crushes me with a turn one Delver flip (How does that keep happening?), backed up by enough Mana Leak action to keep me locked down until I’m virtually out of threats.

Heebs walks over.
“How’s it going?”
“I beat some Green/White thing.”
“What was he playing?”
“Just good things. Hero. Thrun. Some planeswalkers.”
“Township Tokens?”
“Oh yea. He had one of those.”
“Nice. Goblins getting there?”

Heebs walks away so I can start my third game (Look ma! Still no sideboard!) and my opponent leans over to me, glancing at Heebs across the shop.

“Is he really playing Goblins?”
“Yea, it’s pretty sweet.”
“I am scared shitless of that deck. I don’t think I can do anything about it.”
I laughed.
“Seriously! What can I do? Vapor Snag a Goblin Chieftan? That seems terrible.”

Game three goes my way after a turn 2 Honor of the Pure buffs my Champion and I’m able to grind out through a Sword of War and Peace with Vault of the Archangel.

2-0   (4-1 in games)

Round 3 – Esper Control

The guy sits down and rolls out one of those playmats. You know, the one that proudly reads “GP Somewhere Far Away.” He’s got a bunch of Top 8 pins from everything, and he shuffles like a Vegas pro.

“Doing well so far?”
“Not bad,” he shrugs. “You?”
I shrug. Seems like things are working out pretty well. Deck running well?”
“So far.”

I guess the wheels fall off everyone sometime. Luckily, not this round for me. I crush him in two games. In the second, he throws everything and the kitchen sink at me. Recurring a ratchet bomb off a Sun Titan, resolving an Elesh Norn, but it doesn’t help. Both games are won off the back of removing his Oblivion Ring to free an anthem and alpha strike.

It’s around this point that I realize one of the issues with my sideboard – it hasn’t been significantly updated since this deck was Junk Tokens (B/W/G). As a result, the Ray of Revelation in the sideboard have no green mana to fuel their flashback. Man, did I feel stupid realizing that. I hoped it wouldn’t be relevant.

My opponent sighs after the round and smiles at me while extending the hand. “You know, I played in PT Honolulu. I guess today’s just not my day.”

Firs t off, nice guy. Shook my hand, looked me in the eye, and genuinely didn’t complain about his loss. Also gave me the biggest ego boost of the day.

I walk over to Heebs. He smiles, announces “Delver, 2-0. Goblins rule.”
“I beat a Pro Tour player.”
The day appears to be going pretty well so far.

3-0   (6-1 in games)

Round 4: UW Delver

I’m paired against Lance, who’s from a shop that I play at on occasion. He’s a very solid mechanical player, but I decide to be daring with my sideboarding choices, actually choosing to sideboard this time. I realize that the only way he’s going to beat me is with a turn 1 delver flip, so I side in insurance against that eventuality. I’m paid back with Timely Reinforcements for full value in games 2 and 3. The games are close, but I edge him out in game 3 because Vault of the Archangel is incredible.

Heebs goes against an Esper Control player and wins 2-1.

As I'm walking past a couple of people, I hear someone lamenting their loss.
"I'm going to need to win out from here to even have a chance."
"Look at the bright side man, at least you can't go against that Red Deck."
There was only one mono-red deck at the tournament. Goblins striking the fear into people's hearts all over the place.

4-0   (8-2 in games). Heebs has the same record.

Round 5: Heebs with Goblins

It was bound to happen eventually. It's just a shame that it happened now. One round later, and we probably would have been able to shake hands and safely draw into top-8. We’re seriously considering drawing here anyway to give both of us two chances at a win-and-in, but I think we screwed up the math and decided to end up playing it out. As is, a win here locks one of us for Top 8.

Both games go more or less the same, and it regrettably isn’t close. His Goblin deck preys on a ton of decks that have fairly fragile early games. Being cute with a delver, or a single creature defending you, works in the majority of cases, but being able to go Goblin Chieftan > Hellrider is petrifying. It’s significantly less impressive when there’s a veritable wall of vigilant flyers on the other side, which periodically have lifelink.

Timely Reinforcements makes it a lot worse in game 2, and I win despite the resolved Sword of War and Peace on his side of the feel.

5-0   (10-2 in games)

Round 6 and 7:

I draw both of these rounds to lock myself for top 8. I was going to play round 7 to try and mess with the numbers a little more and give Heebs a better chance after he lost his round 6 match, but unfortunately for him, we end up with an awkward break that only guarantees my spot if I draw. Hopefully, in a perfect world, we’ll stop having double-draw situations soon. Regardless, Heebs ends up losing his 7th round to a Hero of Bladehold + Geist of St. Traft + Honor of the Pure swing.

Quick: Calculate how much damage that is! The math got pretty amusing.

5-0-2 (10-2 in games)

Top 8: BR Zombies

Two people decline the ‘one box per person’ split, which was unfortunate. I’m already tired and I’d rather be getting to our friend’s house. There’s dinner waiting there, and frankly, I don’t want to end up losing once and going home with 9 packs to show for it.

“Blackcleave Cliffs, Gravecrawler, go.”
Red/Black Zombies. God damnit. I like this deck.

I get beaten down to 5 life, holding my breath and hoping that he doesn’t have Brimstone Volleys in his list. I end up forcing him to sacrifice his whole team to save a Falkenrath Aristocrat, which I eventually Oblivion Ring, but he’s still got me on a significant clock once he plays a Highborn Ghoul. A well-timed second Oblivion Ring stalls the turn I need for my flyers to get the job done.

Game two is even closer. I go to two life before Vault of the Archangel comes online. I lean on it heavily, gaining 8 per turn and still only barely keeping my head above water. He dealt over 60 damage to me that game and I ended up winning on 13 life. Some lands are just awesome.

He shHe
He shook my hand and we were informed that there would be a Top 4 split - the dissenters had either changed their mind or lost.

I walked out with two boxes – one mixed foreign cards, the other English Innistrad. I had a blast with the event, and I'll absolutely be going to further events that are run here. Here's hoping that they get the ability to run PTQ's and such, because I'd be more than happy to give them my money.

Final Result:  6-0-2 (12-2 in games)


  1. I am glad that you had a great experience at the store and hope to do more events in the near future. As for the PTQ scene we will wait and see what WoTC does. Thank you, Chris Heard Ron's Comic World

    1. Can't wait! I'll have my eyes pealed to your Facebook and I hope to hear about more events soon. I'll make sure that I shout them out on here.
