Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Superhero Movies

I was asked to write this one, so here goes.

Superhero Movies. Sequels, Prequels, and all of the sort. They're everywhere, and frankly, there's scarcely been a time in the last few years when there hasn't been a big blockbuster hit on the horizon from either DC or Marvel. The reasons for it are pretty clear – they make money, and lots of it. Since Spiderman came out and did exceptionally, they've been pumping them out as fast as they can make characters.

Now, personally, I'll come clean. I've always been more DC aligned than Marvel. Sure, I read some Marvel stuff (Civil War comes to mind) but I don't actually own any Marvel comics, while I have an appreciable stack of DC (Pretty much everything from the year of countdown and shortly thereafter.) I know my comic books decently well. I know what I'm talking about, generally.

I think DC's doing a terrible job with their half of this bargain. Sure. We had Batman Begins and Dark Knight, but to be honest, that's about it. There's been Superman movies that were decent but not great. There have been plenty of animated full-length direct-to-dvd outfits, but no real big blockbusters. I don't know about the rest of you, but DC hasn't even touched on most of my favorites. I want to see Flash and Green Lantern. I'd love a Titans movie.

On the other side of the fence, we've got the juggernaut that is Marvel, which seems incapable of consistency. They're split between X-Men 2, and the Hulk. They release Iron Man, and the Fantastic 4 – 2. It just seems like they're unable to be consistent with their product, and I really really want them to be. I want to go to the movies and know that I'm paying 11-12 bucks for something that I won't hate.

Marvel and DC have both been putting out a wave of these movies, but in the end, there's one big difference. Continuity. DC is going along it's seperate way, enjoying telling origin stories and everything else. Marvel seems to be doing much the same, with one difference. They're building a quilt with it. The Marvel Movies universe is becoming something bigger than the indicidual movies – doubtless in anticipation of continuing the line perpetually. Once we know who Tony Stark is, and what Peter Parker acts like, then a movie in which the two hang out doesn't seem so far fetched. We could (eventually) see a Civil War movie. That would be incredible!

DC can't do it. Or at least, not with their current strategy. We'll never have a Crisis on Infinite Screens. (Probably for the best! Can you imagine Superboy Prime punching time in 3D? I might vomit.) Marvel not only can, but most likely will. They've been dropping hints towards it for half a dozen movies now, and personally, I can't wait to see the finished product.

In conclusion, DC's movies are hit or miss. I'm excited, or not, based on each one. Marvel's movies are also hit or miss, but really, I find myself being drawn much more into their world – because there is a world to be drawn into. I'm interested not only in Iron Man, but about the hint they drop about the future Avenger's Movie, or the SHIELD Movie, or whatever their ultimate goal happens to end up looking like.

Consider me waiting in anticipation. I'll get back to you with a final verdict then.

1 comment:

  1. You do know Green Lantern is coming out in less than a year, right?
